We push the limits of what apps can be with our Android development process.

Redefine the way Android users experience your brand and give them more reasons to keep coming back.


Our team knows what makes an Android app great. Whether we're building a feature-rich mobile app for your customers or an enterprise app for your employees, each of our solutions is shaped by years of Android development expertise. Devices change and so do user habits. We excel at helping clients get ahead of those changes, turning them into opportunities for growth and gaining new brand champions.



of the global app market share



distinct Android devices



apps currently in the Android store

Customized development to meet your goals

We understand that every business has unique Android app development needs. That's why we offer flexible services to help you build the exact solution you're looking for. Our team can cover any stage of the development process, from initial conceptualization and user interface design to deployment and post-launch support. No matter the project, we take the full range of modern devices intro consideration, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly experience on smartphones, desktops, and tablets alike.

Push the limits of reality with ARcore

Our team stays up to date with Android's latest augmented reality (AR) capabilities to help our clients embrace the next-generation of brand immersion, seamlessly blending the virtual and physical worlds with Google's ARCore software development kit. From virtual try-ons and filters to remote assistance and location-based features, we create unique and unforgettable customer experiences.

In addition to our technical know-how, the designers and copywriters on our creative team use AR to tell your story the way you want it told.

Seamless and secure user experiences

From backwards compatibility to network connectivity, Android development involves hundreds of small details, and getting each one right is crucial to providing a seamless user experience. Our Android development process ensures apps load quickly, run smoothly, and stay responsive during every user interaction. We also prioritize the security of your customers' data, implementing secure coding practices, data transmission, and encryption techniques to prevent vulnerabilities.

Third-party service integration

In addition to perfecting your UX, our team of developers is well equipped to handle all the complex technical aspects on the backend. That includes seamlessly integrating third-party APIs for secure data transmission and real-time synchronization with cloud services and databases. After launch, we keep a close eye on your request and response structure, error handling, and rate limiting to make sure everything's running according to plan.

Put your brand into more hands with OneMagnify

Our team combines Android app development expertise with meticulous attention to detail and a passion for leading innovation.

Partner with OneMagnify for a seamless and prosperous app launch, and put the boundless possibilities of Android to work for your brand.

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