Richmodstrasse 6, #414
50667 Cologne, Germany
+49 (0) 221 92042192
To provide our global clients with the best possible direct support throughout Europe, we chose Germany, where we could tap into the largest economy on the continent. Looking deeper, Cologne – with its unique mash-up of old-world tradition and hip, modern progressivism – felt like the perfect fit for OneMagnify’s European operations hub. So in 2017, we opened our doors in Cologne’s central business district.
Home to churches built through the centuries, including the Cologne Cathedral with its towering twin spires standing 515 feet high, Cologne also has a flourishing LGBTQ-friendly district and hosts many popular events throughout the year celebrating this community.
From its Roman-era history and cobblestone streets to the trendiest of fashion, food, art, and lifestyles found in the Belgian Quarter and surrounding areas, Cologne’s rich and diverse mixture of cultures provides ample inspiration to serve our clients in creative and unique ways.